A college for for pedagogy and the art of education

Rudolf Steiner University College educates tomorrow's teachers through movement, immersion, creativity, and practical work.




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Kristine gained courage and inspiration for her further work

"I could see my skills growing while doing the assignments."

Studies at Rudolf Steiner University College

We are proud to be a leading educational institution within Waldorf/Steiner pedagogy's global context.
Waldorf education builds on the belief that all children naturally want to grow. Fruitful learning starts with curiosity and joy. The key role for each educator is to convey the material in a way that inspires children. The educator's role as an inspiring role model is anchored in all our study programmes.

"The best part of working in a Steiner school is that we have the opportunity to work creatively all the time and add our own touch to the teaching process."

Lene, Special Education Steiner Teacher at The Steiner School in Tromsø